Your morning Kathryn Jean Lopez
Kathryn Jean Lopez, usually no slouch when it comes to proving herself the stupidest person with typing skills, really outdoes herself this morning.
The whole post is enjoyably reasonably incoherent (framed as a response to something else with no linkage) but this part really goes to the heart of the NRO sputtering over Obama:
But Obama hasn't proven himself a leader (I'd give him points if he supported D.C. school choice now or met with Ward Connerly or...), just a candidate for president.
Ward Connerly used to be a University of California Regent. Aside from lacking any sort of meaningful national profile, he's most notable in this context as the right's go-to black anti-affirmative action guy. What does Ward Connerly's pet project have to do with the issues that voters consistently identify as the election's most important? (Those would be: the economy, the War, and oil and gas prices). Oh, you know, nothing. In this post, he essentially functions as KJL's byword for "Obama is a big mean liberal!" A less charitable reading might be, "Only minorities who oppose affirmative action are leaders!" Note that Connerly's granted magical powers, as Obama would get some "points" in credit towards being perceived as a leader if he would just meet with him. Perhaps if Obama curtsied to him, he'd get more points? His people may want to look into this.
I just noticed my second favorite part of KJL's post.
And I'll want an apology from him when he gets in and — mercifully — gets the briefings and realizing he can't and shouldn't do such a thing.
More emoting about Obamevitability from the far right, please. Kthxbai.
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