Dirty Sexy Brian

"Dirty Sexy Money" chronicles the life and times of the exorbitantly eccentric American Royals the Darlings, and their as-yet-briefly suffering attorney Nick George, and it's my favorite new show of the season. Frankly, it's outpacing most television as far as I can tell. I especially loathe and enjoy Brian, the middle Darling, a minister who has spent much of this season trying to convince his wife that his extramaritally-sired son was an orphan from Sweden.
Tonight, Brian had a very heavy conversation with Nick (Peter Krause), who found him in a church. Their relationship is pretty complicated and I don't want to ruin it for anyone. Suffice it to say that Brian is predictably a dick and Nick George calls him on it, to which Brian responds by asking Nick to sit with him, like so:
This is what church is for…dragging the ruined past through the messy present into the perfect future, and ruining it together.
It just got picked up for the full season. Definitely worth your time. (If the rest of the season happens).
That was a great line!
This is what church is for? Really?
You still haven't been to church with me.
The line is cute, but bashing that particular institution is too easy lately. It's no longer counter-culture to reject religion, at least in the liberal East. I'd be more impressed if they found some unexpected value in it.
I haven't been to church with you because I'm an agnostic and I think that organized religion is bad on balance.
The line was a clever joke in a soap opera I like. It's not what I think of church. I don't spend a lot of time bashing the church, and if I did, it wouldn't be so that I could polish my counter-culture credentials. But I also don't think that organized religion has even started to atone for most of the evils it's perpetrated during human history. So yeah, I'll laugh at it from time to time. It keeps me from crying.
On this topic, if you're interested in watching something where they're not bashing the church, check out the Republican debates. Last night's Youtube debate was, in addition to being a celebration of torture and assault weapons, basically a revival meeting.
Also, for the record, after Brian (who is, as I said, a minister) said that line, he and the other character sat together and prayed.
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