A place to bury memories

Remember A Place to Bury Strangers? The (nigh-unlistenable) Brooklyn noise-rock/JAMC-tribute/guitar-pedal-marketing group that got incredibly fawning coverage from Pitchfork all summer and fall (to the point of being covered an incredible fifteen times for one single and the LP it's on)? The album that Nick Sylvester memorably called a "songless one-trick turd"?
Well, the results are in - the Pitchfork year-end lists are, that is - and the band is nowhere to be found. They didn't place anywhere - not in the singles, not in the albums, and not even in Ryan Schreiber's or Marc Hogan's individual lists, despite the fact that Schreiber and Hogan were the band's main boosters at the site. The record got an 8.4 from Hogan and didn't place in his top 25 for the year? Seriously?
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