Saturday, October 11, 2008

Lions and Tigers and Corporate Liberals, OH MY

When Michael Barone, in his charmingly titled "The Coming Obama Thugocracy," writes:

Corporate liberals have done their share in shutting down anti-liberal speech, too. Saturday Night Live ran a spoof of the financial crisis that skewered Democrats like House Financial Services Chairman Barney Frank and liberal contributors Herbert and Marion Sandler, who sold toxic-waste-filled Golden West to Wachovia Bank for $24 billion. Kind of surprising, but not for long. The tape of the broadcast disappeared from NBC’s Website and was replaced with another that omitted the references to Frank and the Sandlers. Evidently NBC and its parent, General Electric, don't want people to hear speech that attacks liberals.

He calls the rest of his argument into question, because as New York reports:
pparently, as we initially suspected, NBC's lawyers took issue with an onscreen caption that ran under the names of real-life billionaires Herbert and Marion Sandler (portrayed on SNL by Darrell Hammond and Casey Wilson): "People who should be shot." As it turns out, you're allowed to sue any late-night comedy show that advocates your murder on live television. Lesson learned!

Oh, National Review. You little scamps.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Michael Barone is a right-wing hack.

Good post though. When do you me and josh get to hang?

Saturday, October 11, 2008 10:16:00 PM  

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